
Sunday May 10, 2020
Sunday May 10, 2020
Sunday May 10, 2020
SOUND OFF 651 has some additional last minute MONEY IN THE BANK PREDICTIONS before tonight's show... the mayor of Boston deals a death blow to Summerslam in his city, and addressing the report of WWE possibly running the event with fans from Hulk Hogan's private beach... Roman Reigns speaks with TMZ and reveals the real reason why he's not on WWE television right now... Monday Night Raw sets a new all-time record low for viewership... THE REVIVAL speak to Chris Jericho about their WWE release and why Dash Wilder literally laughed out loud in front of Vince McMahon in their last meeting... NXT disappoints this week, but Karrion Kross and Scarlet do not... it's all about HOOKERS AND BLOW with the story of Herb Abrams and the UWF on Dark Side of the Ring and the line of the century from Brian Blair... one person who thinks an Apollo Crews heel turn could ABSOLUTELY work... and does ABYSS deserve one appearance on WWE television at some point? Visit audibletrial.com/solomonster to order the new ANDRE THE GIANT BOOK FOR FREE when you sign up for a 30-day trial!

Friday May 08, 2020
WWE Money In The Bank 2020 Predictions | THE RISK IS WORTH THE REWARD? 😂
Friday May 08, 2020
Friday May 08, 2020
WWE Money in the Bank 2020 airs this Sunday and for the first time ever, both MITB matches will be taking place at WWE headquarters in Stamford, CT with the superstars battling up to the roof of the building where THE RISK IS WORTH THE REWARD. Solomonster runs down the entire card and gives his predictions, including who he thinks will be walking away with the briefcases this year.

Thursday May 07, 2020
Thursday May 07, 2020
Thursday May 07, 2020
AEW Dynamite was back LIVE on TNT last night in Jacksonville featuring AEW Champion Jon Moxley vs. Frankie Kazarian and Brodie Lee emerging as a challenger for Moxley's title... Broken Matt Hardy & Kenny Omega vs. Chris Jericho & Sammy Guevara in a WILD main event where Sammy was nearly killed by a golf cart... Cody vs. Joey Janela and more! Visit audibletrial.com/solomonster to order the new ANDRE THE GIANT BOOK FOR FREE when you sign up for a 30-day trial!

Sunday May 03, 2020
Sunday May 03, 2020
Sunday May 03, 2020
SOUND OFF 650 addresses the rumor of a WWE sale to ESPN and FOX, where it came from and why it's nonsense... more WWE cuts and furloughs with Cain Velasquez, Gerald Brisco and Curtis Axel on the chopping block... Florida permitting fans into buildings at 25 percent occupancy? Not exactly... news on the MITB matches taking place SIMULTANEOUSLY and why I like the idea... Apollo Crews OUT of the Money in the Bank ladder match, will AJ STYLES take his place?... Kevin Owens reveals why he hasn't been on WWE television since WrestleMania... a Lucha Underground rematch on NXT this past week... Dark Side of the Ring review on Dr. D David Schultz and the SLAP HEARD ROUND THE WORLD to John Stossel, the incident involving Mr. T that led to Schultz being fired, how Jesse Ventura came to find out that Hulk Hogan snitched out his attempt to unionize the WWE locker room to Vince McMahon and more... plus the return of RSPW Rewind talks about a REAL MAN'S MAN... and who are the three brightest stars on the AEW roster? Visit audibletrial.com/solomonster to order the new ANDRE THE GIANT BOOK FOR FREE when you sign up for a 30-day trial!

Thursday Apr 30, 2020
AEW Dynamite Review 4/29/2020 - CAN DARBY ALLIN WIN ONE OVER CODY?
Thursday Apr 30, 2020
Thursday Apr 30, 2020
Solomonster recaps AEW Dynamite on TNT featuring not one but TWO semi-final matches in the TNT Championship Tournament with Cody vs. Darby Allin and Dustin Rhodes vs. Lance Archer. Plus, AEW champion Jon Moxley appears, The Bubbly Bunch returns and Marko Stunt marches to his doom against Brodie Lee of The Dark Order. Visit audibletrial.com/solomonster to order the new ANDRE THE GIANT BOOK FOR FREE when you sign up for a 30-day trial!

Sunday Apr 26, 2020
Sunday Apr 26, 2020
Sunday Apr 26, 2020
SOUND OFF 649 opens with thoughts on some additional names the wrestling world lost recently, then dives into WWE's better than expected earnings, Vince McMahon's amusing explanation for why the Raw ratings are down and why they may no longer be in the live event business the way they used to be after even after this all blows over... the former XFL commissioner sues Vince McMahon for wrongful termination... Money in the Bank main events already taped and getting the CINEMATIC treatment?... Rob Gronkowski takes the 24/7 title with him back to the NFL and Tom Brady... Vince McMahon celebrates 25 years of Triple H on Smackdown with a bizarre appearance... AEW going live again when they don't have to be... more on the Velveteen Dream drama and what it could mean for his future... why I found the Drake Maverick stuff on NXT to be completely gross... Dark Side of the Ring review on The Assassination of DINO BRAVO... has my opinion of Triple H changed as he's transitioned from the ring to the office?... and my ten FAVORITE matches from Triple H's career! Visit audibletrial.com/solomonster to order the new ANDRE THE GIANT BOOK FOR FREE when you sign up for a 30-day trial!

Thursday Apr 23, 2020
AEW Dynamite Review 4/22/2020 - PLUS BEING THE ELITE 200 THOUGHTS!
Thursday Apr 23, 2020
Thursday Apr 23, 2020
Solomonster recaps AEW Dynamite on TNT featuring a trip to the Hardy compound with Broken Matt Hardy, Orange Cassidy making his singles debut on Dynamite against Jimmy Havoc and TWO TNT Championship Tournament matches with Darby Allin vs. Sammy Guevara and Kip Sabian vs. Dustin Rhodes where if Dustin loses, he says he will retire. Plus, thoughts on Matt Jackson vs. Nick Jackson on Being The Elite 200. Visit audibletrial.com/solomonster to pre-order the new ANDRE THE GIANT BOOK FOR FREE when you sign up for a 30-day trial!

Sunday Apr 19, 2020
Sunday Apr 19, 2020
Sunday Apr 19, 2020
SOUND OFF 648 pays tribute to the greatest ring announcer of all time, Howard Finkel, who passed away this past week at 69, how he got noticed by Vince McMahon, the long-rumored Finkel Report he would compile each week, why his WrestleMania streak ended and more... WWE is absurdly classified as an essential service in the state of Florida after deputies try to shut down the Performance Center, plus the full updated list of roster cuts... MONEY IN THE BANK "DIE HARD EDITION" COMES TO WWE HEADQUARTERS... so much for Jerry Lawler's "temporary" return to the Raw announce booth... Roman Reigns getting the silent treatment on TV?... praise for the Keith Lee segment on NXT and why he's actually the "small one" in his family... Adam Cole praises Tony Schiavone's gaming collection... the story of the student who died while training with The Great Khali and what really happened... and the most detailed review you'll find on any podcast of the DARK SIDE OF THE RING episode on Jimmy Snuka and the mysterious death of Nancy Argentino with details from the case that were left out of the Vice special. Visit audibletrial.com/solomonster to pre-order the new ANDRE THE GIANT BOOK FOR FREE when you sign up for a 30-day trial!

Thursday Apr 16, 2020
Thursday Apr 16, 2020
Thursday Apr 16, 2020
Solomonster is back with news on Wednesday's WWE roster cuts, one of the darkest days in company history, running down the entire list of releases, why they happened now and why AEW may not be immune from the same thing. Also includes an AEW Dynamite recap for April 15th, featuring an empty arena No Holds Barred match for the AEW World title with Jon Moxley vs. Jake Hager, Chris Jericho presents The Bubbly Bunch and more.

Sunday Apr 12, 2020
Sunday Apr 12, 2020
SOUND OFF 647 is a PACKED SHOW with news of WWE's first positive COVID-19 test out of the Performance Center, Vince McMahon's decision to go live again starting this week and their ridiculous PR statement to ESPN... Edge's garbage take on Corey Graves' podcast about the fans who criticized his WrestleMania match with Randy Orton... why Edge's 24 documentary is the best one WWE Network has ever produced... Ronda Rousey pisses EVERYBODY OFF and people fall for it... THE REVIVAL get their WWE release, plus news on whether they have a non-compete and what their new names are... NXT beats AEW in live viewers by just 400 people... thoughts on the supposed blowoff between Johnny Gargano and Tomasso Ciampa... and then we're diving deep into the BRAWL FOR ALL with thoughts on the Dark Side of the Ring episode, Russo vs. Cornette, whether the fix was in with Dr. Death before Bart Gunn knocked him out, Droz and D-Lo Brown remember the accident that led to Droz being paralyzed and why you can't blame Vince Russo for the Brawl for All without also blaming Vince McMahon... and RSPW Rewind is a BRAWL FOR ALL edition taking us back to 1998.  Visit audibletrial.com/solomonster to pre-order the new ANDRE THE GIANT BOOK FOR FREE when you sign up for a 30-day trial!